2 x CAC Šakiai, Lithuania

Judge: Valentin Fedorov (Belarus)
"correct bite, good type, correct size, expressive head, good withers, strong back, well-developed chest for age, little free elbows on movement, good step"

Grace de Mangobull in junior class - exl junCAC & Best of Breed

Photos taken by Livia Kask and S.M. Photogallery

Judge: Helena Borisova (Belarus)
"good size, enough bone, bit dry head, correct topline while stand, undershot bite, stable movement, parallel hind legs"

Grace de Mangobull in junior class - exl junCAC

With these junCAC's can be confirmed Lithuanian junior Champion AND Latvian junior Champion!!

Photos taken by Stasys Barauskas, Anna Chibisova and S.M. Photogallery