2 x CAC Vilnius, Lithuania


Judge: Catherine Lebret (Bulgaria)
"beautiful dog, excellent proportions & colour, excellent chest & shoulder & neck, very nice feet, ears cut, beautiful face, a bit loose in lips, moves elegant"

Tenjin Daito in open class - CAC & Best of Breed

Also Daito did very well in group competition where he was chosen BEST IN GROUP I (judged by Olga Morozova, Russia)!!

Photos taken by Liisa Zjabrikova, Laimingas Žmogus and Stasys Barauskas

Judge: Katarszyna Fiszdon (Poland)
"excellent expression, strong musceled head, excellent topline, deep wide chest, good angulated legs, could be more paralel, moves with drive"

Tenjin Daito in open class - CAC & Best of Breed