09.11 CACIB Šempeter
Judge: Nikola Smolic (Croatia)
Grace de Mangobull in champion class - vg
09.11 Speciality show for large and molossoid breeds
Judge: Peter Van Montfoort (Netherlands)
"5 years, very good head, feminine head, underjaw bite, good neck, excellent body, prefer more bone, move well, prefer more substance"
Grace de Mangobull in champion class - vg
10.11 CACIB Vrtojba
Judge: Marie Petersen (Denmark)
"5 years female, correct head and expression, correct eyes and bite, strong neck, acceptable topline and correct tailset, well matured, moves and shows correct"
Grace de Mangobull in champion class - CAC CACIB & Best of Breed
Judge: Nikola Smolic (Croatia)
Grace de Mangobull in champion class - vg
09.11 Speciality show for large and molossoid breeds
Judge: Peter Van Montfoort (Netherlands)
"5 years, very good head, feminine head, underjaw bite, good neck, excellent body, prefer more bone, move well, prefer more substance"
Grace de Mangobull in champion class - vg
10.11 CACIB Vrtojba
Judge: Marie Petersen (Denmark)
"5 years female, correct head and expression, correct eyes and bite, strong neck, acceptable topline and correct tailset, well matured, moves and shows correct"
Grace de Mangobull in champion class - CAC CACIB & Best of Breed